Lisa & David - Summerside PEI

Lisa and David.png

What made you decide to go solar?

David: We’ve been wanting to go solar for a while.  It’s probably been at least five years, probably about five years we’ve been thinking about going solar.  So, we just started slowly looking into it.  

What was it like before you had solar?

Lisa and David: Higher bills.

David: It was getting ridiculous.  Price of oil was outrageous and we decided that heat pumps was the next best, the first best thing to get.  

Lisa: And they are cleaner.

How was your experience with Sunly, signing up and through to the installation?

David: Everything went smooth.  They came and did the drone overtop and got everything all assessed up with our bills and uh let us know how many solar panels we needed to make it better for us.

Lisa: And the service after, um they came and checked up on us and made sure that everything was working fine.  They were always here even though it was very late.  Willing and ready to work.  

What was the installation experience like?

Lisa: Good!  Um, They explained everything to us.  We knew exactly what was going on and when things were getting installed.  We had no issues.  

David: Very knowledgeable, very, very knowledgeable.  

Have you noticed a difference on your electric bill?

Lisa: Oh yes!  Yea, yeah I do!  It was, our last bill it was $31.88  and I would never go without solar again!  

Would you recommend solar to other homeowners?

Lisa: I’d highly recommend it!  And I have actually.  

David: I tell everybody.  I’m into the real estate so its one of the biggest things, is making it easier for people to afford a house and uh heat pumps, solar panels, and now with the hybrid vehicles.

Why should other home owners get solar?

Lisa: To help with the environment, ah the incentive package is good and no the interest is also a great incentive.  And, can you think of anything babe?

David: More for grandkids.  And our future generations like its time we all started turning things around and making it, making it better for the future generations instead of making everything worse.  So, I think solar and uh eliminating fossil fuels is the number one thing we have to start doing right now or it’s going to be really rough.  

Dave, you work for Royal Lepage...and Lisa, I know someone else in your office has solar as well...Would you use Sunly again or recommend us to others?

Lisa: Yes!  Definitely, I would 100% use Sunly again and recommend ya’s.

David: Yeah, and like I said a lot of people would stop by and see our solar panels in the neighbourhood.  So we’ve got a lot of people inquiring about our solar panels and I’ve been telling them that its really starting to show that we’re making a big savings.  

Speaking as a real estate agent do you feel that solar panels add value to your home?

David: Oh yes, yes!  

I know for a fact like even if we decided to sell this house now I know, I know it would be a big draw would be the solar panels.  A lot of people are seeing the high rates of electricity and the good thing with solar is that the higher when the big guys put the power rates up with the solar panels its gonna keep us leveled out and save.  Every time they put up we save more and more.  

What made you happiest about working with Sunly?

Lisa: Probably the crew that was here.  I really enjoyed the crew that was here.  

David: Salesman, he was very knowledgeable.  He really, he really gave us an idea he knew what he was talking about and stuff so.  And he had a good background in it so yeah so. 

Yeah, all around they’ve been a great, great people to deal with.  

What would you tell someone that’s considering going for solar?  

Lisa: I say it, and I say it today its the only way to go and I 100% recommend it!  

David: And the good thing like I said was that Sunly panels have the critter mesh all around them so it keeps the birds and the squirrels out from wrecking them cause it is expensive equipment.  But year, it’s the future.  It’s what we all have to look forward to, so.

Thinking about going solar yourself?

Speak to us today to learn more about how customers of Maritime electric, Summerside Electric and Nova Scotia Power can save money through their Net Metering Programs. Get the facts on solar rebates available from Efficiency PEI and Efficiency NS. Going solar is a brand new concept for many people but we can help walk you through all the steps to make sure your comfortable with your decision. Get a free solar estimate today.