How big is the solar industry in Canada?

In Canada there are approximately 40,000 rooftops with installed solar.  But there are 7,500,000 single

detached houses!  There is still A LOT of room for growth!  


The top 5 solar generating countries

  • China - 60% year over year growth in 2020

  • USA - 42% avg. annual growth rate for the past 10 years

  • Japan - Installed 71GW of solar

  • Germany - Installed 4.9 GW in 2020

  • India - Installed 4.4 GW in 2020


What's the potential in your province?

In PEI we have now secured 3.6% of the potential market of all single detached houses as of Jan 2022.  This just continues to grow!


Have a look at your potential markets calculated at just 2.8%: 


How Canada compares

UK and Germany have 20 X more solar rooftops than Canada currently.  Yet they receive less light on average.(2)

UK - 1,500 yearly hours(3)

Germany - 1,600 yearly hours (4)

Canada - 2,000 yearly hours (5)


Installation costs have continuously been going down

In 2009 the average cost of a solar installation was $8.50 per watt

By 2020 the average cost of a solar installation was $2.81 per watt

This means for a 9kW system the price dropped from $76,000 to $25,000 making it far more affordable for the average consumer.