Features and Offerings
Custom design based on your house
Anticipated solar production
Per watt price for the whole turnkey solution
Payment options
25-year cashflow projection
Savings over the lifespan of the system
The savings is relative to the size of your system and your needs. On average our clients have been saving 74% of their electricity bills and many save even more.
It is important to remember though that % offset is just part of the measurements. What really matters is how much actual money is back in your pocket!
We design a system based on your needs and available space. We try to maximize your savings while making it affordable. We can tell you an exact cost once we do a complimentary proposal. It never hurts to get a proposal done to see how affordable solar is to put on your home.
0% - 10 year financing from the Greener Homes Loan
Pay for the monthly payments through the savings from your electricity bill
Rebates can be available from provincial and federal programs
Net metering is where you produce electricity from solar panels throughout the day and use most of it but the rest goes to your local provider. This excess electricity gets banked as credits. When you need that electricity (like when watching scary movies) you will automatically get it from the grid. That draws down your credits, and if you use more than your credits, the electricity company will just charge you for that little bit of usage you did not have covered by your solar panels
This is where that complimentary proposal for your house will tell you exactly how much sun your house gets. We use an estimation software that looks at the past 20 years of weather data and accounts for that when estimating how much solar power you could produce. Our estimates are typically very conservative so that you can be assured we show you an accurate representation of your savings.