How to Get Solar in New Brunswick?
Many of us living in New Brunswick live here because we love everything Atlantic Canada has to offer; the beautiful landscapes and peaceful lifestyle to name a few. Safe to say however, almost all of us Canadians have been negatively affected by the rising costs of living. Especially the cost of electricity!
On April 1, 2022 the price rose from 11.38c/kWh to 11.61c/kWh
On April 1, 2023 the price rose again to 12.27c/kWh
That’s almost an 8% increase!
Thankfully, we have a solution to help protect you from the ever-growing costs of keeping your home powered, and to help protect our beautiful neighborhood: solar power!
In this blog, we’re going to discuss how you can unlock the power of solar energy like your neighbors. We’ll discuss:
To begin, let’s dive into how solar power is a game changer in the renewable energy landscape in NB.
Assessing your solar potential - How do you know it is right for your home?
Residents in NB are typically installing solar on their rooftops and entering into a net metering agreement with NB power. The beauty of the net metering concept is that it’s a cost effective way to generate power for yourself without having the risk of not having enough power if the sun isn’t shining! Energy cost savings with the peace of mind that the grid is still there when you need it.
There are a few key points we consider at Sunly when assessing your potential:
How much power do the solar panels need to produce?
To accurately do an assessment we collect your electricity bill for the past 12 months. This gives us a good expectation of the total amount of electricity you would need to produce. No need to build a system that overproduces! But you should also not always expect to get 100% coverage, we are designing a system that makes sense financially for you.
How much space do you have for solar panels?
Not all roofs are created equal! The roof design plays a big role in how many panels we can put on your roof. Things like dormers, chimneys, air vents, skylights, multiple levels and angles can all play a factor when putting on considerably large solar panels. Luckily our design team are experts at placing them just right and we can work on ensuring it’s aesthetically pleasing to you as well.
If placing the panels on the roof is not the ideal scenario you can also think about a ground mount solar panel system if you have the space. In a lot of rural areas this makes a lot of sense.
Roof Orientation and Pitch
Typically a south facing roof is the best to put solar panels on however East and West still get a great amount of sun to make them worth while. It is also ideal to have a pitch between 30-45 degrees however that should not disclude you. Our design software takes into account the irradiance you house gets during a typical day and year to give a good estimate of production.
How old is your roof?
The good news is that when you put solar panels on your roof it prolongs the life of the roof. Solar panels can aid in protecting your roof from many of the harsh elements it faces on a yearly basis. But before starting the project we do check the age of the roof because all roofs do need to be replaced over time, and we wouldn’t want you starting a project on a 15 year old roof just to have to have us come back and take the panels down, then put them back up again when you go to replace the roof in a couple of years.
Your house could be perfect for solar. A nice simple roof, south facing, 30-45 degree pitch but it could be in the middle of a forest! Tree’s play a role in our assessment. We not only consider your house, but also all the external variables around it that can impact your production.
Our team of educated, experienced, and dedicated staff work diligently to examine all of these factors and ensure your money is going into a long term investment - one that your conscience and your wallet can feel good about!
One very important factor after committing to the project
We have structural engineers who examine every solar project we take on to ensure that your roof can hold the weight of the panels, and that we can complete the installation without any damage or risk to the roof. In the event that the roof does not have enough space to accommodate solar panels, or is not structurally sound for them, we can look at whether a ground mount system would work instead.
Choosing the right solar system
When you are confident that solar is the right choice for your property, you’ll want to consider what type of solar system would work best for you.
For more information on net metering, check out our post “Net-meter and Chill”
Grid Tied Solar systems
At Sunly, we focus on grid-tied systems. Meaning the systems we install connect to the electrical grid, and use a net metering system. Net metering allows for you to produce and use your own energy, and any excess energy produced is sent back to the grid in exchange for credits to be used when your system doesn’t produce enough electricity to power your home. See below for a visual demonstration of net metering:
Off-grid systems are systems in which you generate all your own electricity and are completely independent. Your system would produce electricity for your needs and excess would be stored in batteries for your use when the system was not producing. Currently, batteries for solar systems are about the same price as the system itself, so it is not a feasible option for the majority of consumers. When solar batteries become a more affordable option for the average homeowner, off-grid systems can become a more viable option for many.
What is on the horizon of solar system types?
There is a hybrid approach that is becoming more economically feasible to many homeowners. Grid-tied means when the power goes out to your neighbors, the power goes out for you too! But that doesn’t have to be the case when building a hybrid system that is grid tied with battery back-ups. This approach means that you will have batteries charging for use at times when solar is not producing and/or when the grid goes down because of weather or other service disruptions. So, instead of having a gas generator on hand, your house will work with your charged solar batteries.
Do I get a Roof-top or Ground Mount solar System?
Now we’ve gone over grid tied vs. off grid systems, we can consider the options of a rooftop system, or a ground mount system. Both are great options, but depending on your situation, one may be more suitable than the other. Let’s break them down:
Ground Mount Systems
Can be placed in the most optimal location on your property to ensure maximum sun-soakage. Think about the orientation factor we talked about above.
Are easily adjustable throughout the seasons to tilt depending on seasonal sun coverage. Think about the pitch factor we talked about above.
These systems will cost more than the roof systems because we now require to build out a secure racking structure from the ground up compared to being able to use your roof as that structure.
Rooftop Systems
Out of sight, out of mind: these won’t take up any additional space on your property .
Little to no maintenance, making them ideal for the homeowner who wants to simply have them installed, and just watch the savings roll in.
Protects the roof from weather elements that allows you to prolong the life of your roof.
At Sunly, we are more than happy to show you multiple options to show what your property would look like with either system installed, as well as to break down the stats on what each type of system would produce. We want you to be thrilled with your new money saving machine, so our experts will sit down with you to discuss in depth what makes the most sense for you. Our goal is for our clients to be knowledgeable on their systems, and confident that their 25+ year investment is exactly what they envisioned.
For some people, they may find either ground or roof mounts to be more aesthetically pleasing, and this can be a factor in influencing their decision. One of our solar experts will break down all the nitty gritty details, so you can see exactly how much you may be spending (and saving) depending on which system you choose. Choosing the specific system you want is a big step in going solar. Possibly even more important, however, is choosing the right installer.
Finding a Reliable Solar Installer
Let’s say you’ve decided to go solar, now you have to choose which installer you want to complete this job. Now of course, we hope you choose Sunly, but it’s important to do your research and ensure you are confident that the company completing the work for you is going to do it right. Here are some important factors to think about:
How long has this company been in operation?
You want to know that your installer knows what they’re doing. This is not to say that emerging and small companies are not to be trusted, everyone starts somewhere! You do want to ensure that the installers have experience with solar installations as it is very different from many other construction projects, and they will be situated on your roof for its lifetime… so you want it done right!
What are their reviews like?
Reviews can be very telling, reading reviews is a great place to start. Taking into consideration the general consensus of other clients can really highlight what people liked about the installer, or warn you about reasons to choose someone else.
Are they accessible?
Solar is such a new territory for most of us, so you want to make sure your installers are available for questions. Between rebates and grants, permits and contracts, you will have a lot of questions pop up throughout the process. Is the installer you’re looking at based across the country, no staff available to help when you have a concern? It might seem like a minute factor, but when you’re stuck on hold for an hour trying to connect with a human just to ask one question (we all know that misery!) you’re probably going to wish you had signed with someone who has readily available staff happy to assist. Before you buy, make sure the company will be there for you throughout the entire process, not just sell you something and leave you in the dust.
Why go with the Sunly Advantage?
To save you asking us some of those questions above (although we’re always available to help), let’s cover them now:
How long has Sunly been in operation?
Sunly opened up their first location on Prince Edward Island in 2019. We have done over 1,700 installations on PEI alone and counting. On top of four years of project management experience and installations, our company founders have over ten years of experience each in solar. Our lead installer - one of the four founders of Sunly - has been installing solar for over ten years. He is still out checking in on job sites and ensuring systems are installed with the level of expertise we pride ourselves on. Our head engineer has also been in the industry for over ten years. He reviews the systems designs and makes certain that structural engineering standards are always met. We could brag about our staff all day, but if you’re still unsure about our level of experience in solar - come check out our work:
What are their reviews like?
A quick Google of “Sunly” should bring along countless praises for the work we do. We don’t want to sound too conceited though, so give us a Google and see what our clients have to say about us. You can follow this link as well, to hear directly from some of our fans:
Office in Stratford, PEI
Are we accessible?
We are a local Atlantic company, and we love that! Being close to our clients allows us to truly be there for every step of the way. Our head office located in Stratford, PE, ensures that a team member is always available to help. Our office has focused team members in the office every weekday from 9am-5pm. From our solar specialists available to answer any general questions about solar, to our project coordinators helping you through the installation and paperwork process, we ensure that whether on the phone or in person, someone will be available to help.
Choosing the right solar installer is a hugely important aspect of your change to solar, as are the costs - of course, Let’s explore the costs and financing options when going solar.
Assessing Solar Costs and Financing Options
Although most of us probably wish we didn’t have to think about money, it is one of the most important factors we consider when buying anything. At Sunly, we try to take the financial stress out of going solar.
Cost of Solar
Within the proposal we present to you a ‘full turnkey solution’ price. Our price is based on your system size at a $/watt rate. This includes the engineering, permitting, product and installation.
Solar Financing Options in NB
0% financing - Greener Homes Loan
Home owners in New Brunswick can go through the greener homes process in order to qualify for a Greener Homes Loan for solar of up to a $40,000 interest free 10 year loan!
Greener Energy Loans from Banks
Some of the big banks like RBC offer alternatives to the Greener Homes loan but they are not interest free. Check out the RBC energy saver loan for more details on this option.
Many home owners also have decided to simply pay cash.
Milestone payments - A beautiful thing
Regardless of option, you will be invoiced by your solar company and pay them for the work done. Many solar companies, like Sunly, will have a milestone payment structure to this since paying the full cost of the system upfront isn’t the most ideal solution for most homeowners.
As the project progresses, Sunly will collect milestone payments associated with the progress of the work. The initial proposal will outline the milestone payment structure so that there are not any surprises along the way.
With only minimal costs upfront (only a small permitting fee is required prior to installation of the system), government rebates and grants - which we’ll touch more on later - and 0% financing, solar is an easy choice to invest in!
Understanding the Cashflow and Return on Investment
Proposals will typically outline monthly and yearly cash flow projections allowing you to make an informed decision. When utilizing a financing option like the Greener Homes Loan at 0%, many homeowner’s monthly payments are close to or less than the amount that the solar system will save them on their electricity bills. Imagine investing in something that costs you no money out of pocket for 10 years and then keeps $1,000’s in your pocket for 15+ years afterwards!
The In Between Process - Navigating Solar Permits and Regulations and other paper work
Now that we’ve discussed the costs, let’s look at the fun stuff: paperwork! Not to worry-we are here to take the stress of the paperwork, permits, and regulations off your plate!
With our vast solar experience, we know the ins and outs of the paperwork involved. So what can you expect when you sign up for solar?
The Signing Agreement
The first document you will sign will be what we call a proposal. This will be an in depth report of what solar would do for your property. At Sunly, our number one priority is customer satisfaction. Each proposal we create is tailor made to you and your property, showing you everything from the system itself on your property, to your costs and savings broken down over the life of the system.
Once you are satisfied with the initial design and cost, we prepare a full signing package that includes the proposal as well as a purchase agreement detailing all the legal stuff that protects you as a consumer when making an investment like this.
The Site Inspection Report
Once you have accepted the initial design, we will send our Site Inspector to visit your property to ensure everything is up to snuff for solar. They review everything from your attic space and trusses, to your electrical and roofing. Their handy drone can capture any imperfections there may be on your roof to ensure we’re able to give you a system that will stand up through winds, storms, snow, and anything else mother nature throws their way!
All of those details captured by the site inspection will be processed by our team and we will provide you with a Site Inspection Report. You’re then able to sign off on the final project plan.
Building and Electrical Permits
Once you have signed off on the Site Inspection Report that’s when we get to work on the necessary building permits and electrical permits (but you don’t have to worry about those - we’ll handle that behind the scenes).
Government Incentives and Rebates for Solar in NB
Solar Incentives NB - Total Home Energy Savings Program
On the topic of money, let’s discuss briefly the rebate and grant options for going solar in New Brunswick. New Brunswick offers a provincial rebate of $200 per kW up to $3,000! To learn more about this rebate, click below:
Eligibility and Process
In order to qualify, please refer to the Save Energy NB eligibility website for the most up to date information but we will do our best to detail the current process below:
Step 1. Book an initial Home Energy Evaluation of your home with an home energy auditor
Step 2. Review your renovation upgrade report - this should recommend solar as a home upgrade
Step 3. Complete the installation
Step 4. Complete the final home energy evaluation
Step 5. Receive your money!
Some key notes
Make sure to keep all your receipts
You must be the legal property owner
Buildings must be at least 6 months old
If you’re applying for the Canada Greener Homes Energy Grant you should register for the ‘Total Home Energy Savings program’ through save energy NB first
Solar Incentives Canada - Greener Homes Grant
As well as the NB provincial rebate, there is a federal grant for up to $5,000 . That’s right, $5000 in your account just for switching to solar energy! Home owners will receive $1,000/kW installed up to a maximum of $5,000.
Now this grant does have to be applied for directly by the homeowner, so unfortunately we can’t take over that process for you but we are more than happy to help with it. Our team is up to date on the process to receive this grant, and happy to assist with getting you that cash!
In order to determine your eligibility, please refer to the Canada Greener Homes Grant website for the most up to date information. We have outlined the current process below:
Eligibility and Process *This process requires a pre and post energy audit just like the process for the total home energy savings program.
Step 1. Apply online and select a service organization to conduct the energuide evaluation.
Step 2. Get your PreRetrofit energuide home evaluation back with the recommendation of solar
As an option at this stage you can also apply for the Greener Homes Interest free loan for up to $40,000 towards your project.
Step 3. Retrofit your home with Solar panels and start saving money!
Step 4. Get a Post-Retrofit EnerGuide evaluation and submit the documents online to the portal
Step 5. Request and receive your grant
Some key notes
Make sure to keep all your receipts
This must be your primary residence and you are the owner
Your home must be at least 6 months old
Sunly Solar Solutions in NB
So why should you choose to go with Sunly in New Brunswick?
Over 1,700 installs done in the Atlantic provinces
Commitment to quality service
Incredibly responsive client care team ready to get back to any questions you have
Education first approach (this blog is over 4,000 words dedicated to your path to go solar in NB alone and if you check out our website we have over 90 pages dedicated to educating you on anything you want to know about solar)
4.9 star average customer reviews on google
Customer Success Stories
We would just like to take the time to share some of our clients success stories
“I just wanted to drop a note to say what a great Team Sunly sent to my place to install my Solar Panels yesterday. They arrived just after 1:00 pm yesterday afternoon (they had come from finishing another job that morning) and the poor devils never left until after 9:00 pm. During that time they worked non stop even through snow flurries to get my Solar Panels installed. They must have been exhausted but you would never know it. You are lucky to have that entire Team especially Jamie he as he was very pleasant to deal with.” - Kathy
“I expected an expensive and complicated job like this would be stressful, but Sunly laid out all the steps and kept their appointments. The crews were all friendly and patient to answer my questions. Work was professional and on schedule. Highly recommended! Would not hesitate to use them again.” - Matthew
“Every step of the process was clear, and there was always someone available to answer any questions or explain a part of the process. I had a great experience working with all staff members and highly recommend Sunly.” - Amy
Also take a look at some of our client testimonial videos
Solar Energy in NB and its Environmental Impact
We’ve all heard of solar power, but is it really that important in the renewable energy landscape? In short: yes. In long:
According to The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, solar energy has a huge impact on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This is because solar power produces no emissions while generating electricity. The UN states, “life-cycle assessments clearly demonstrate that [solar power] has a smaller carbon footprint from ‘cradle-to-grave’ than fossil fuels.”
Not only does solar power create less greenhouse gasses, but it does so without the use of water. Hydro electricity is often seen as a feasible solution to cut down on greenhouse gas emissions, but even hydro requires the use of a treasured resource; water. Luckily, we’re not running out of sunshine any time soon!
The benefits of solar don’t end there, though. Solar power doesn’t make any noise, nor pose a threat to wildlife. We love all clean energy, but solar certainly stands above the rest. Wind turbines are becoming more common throughout Canada, but the sometimes loud, and always massive structures have been proven to pose a risk to wildlife including birds and bats Solar however, sits silently on your property, posing no risk to any critters around. Our signature Sunly Critter Guard ensures that no little creatures can nest under your panels, or chew your panel wiring. A win for the birds, and a win for your solar system!
Now that we've established the importance of solar energy and its environmental impact, let’s discuss how this clean, green, energy machine we call solar power can work in our beautiful New Brunswick. Anywhere the sun shines, solar energy can be harnessed. New Brunswick is no exception. According to Weather and Climate, New Brunswick has an average 2000 hours of sun per year. That’s a lot of untapped sunshine waiting to be soaked up by some panels! Even in those gloomy Atlantic winters, you don’t have to worry about your solar panels. With a net metering system, you can build up credits on those beautiful sunny summer days, and use those excess credits in the darker winters to ensure your home is still powered without having to pay your usual NB Power bill.
In this blog, we’ve discussed the benefits and relevance of solar energy in general, and solar energy in New Brunswick specifically. We’ve touched on how to choose the best system for you, and the best installer. Finally, we’ve covered the cost aspect of solar energy, including the rebates and grants. So, are you ready for your future to get a little brighter? Contact Sunly, the leading solar installation company in New Brunswick, at 1 833 GO SUNLY or visit our website at (link for a free consultation and quote.