A Commercial Solar Success Story
January 25, 2023
Case Study: Install a Solar Power System Using the Net Energy Metering (NEM) Program for Boswall's Doctor's Office
Looking for ways to reduce operational costs
Install a solar power system using the Net Energy Metering (NEM) Program
By installing a solar panel system to produce electricity for the office lowers the monthly cost of electricity from Maritime electric and insulates the office from continuously increasing prices of electricity.
The estimate
By factoring in the space available and the office's annual electricity usage, we could design a system that met 100% of their needs. The system was designed to be 29kW in size using 66 Canadian Solar 445W panels. The roof face for optimal production allowed the design to be aesthetically pleasing. Since it faced the road, it became a marketable feature to say Boswall is eco-friendly.
$219,000 in estimated lifetime savings
Estimated Annual Production: 35,482kWh/yr
Estimated Yearly Savings: $6,400
The path to solar
April 2021
Our solar advisor met with the owners of Boswalls Doctors office to discuss the preliminary proposal. The advisor took the time to explain:
How solar panels work
Net metering program
Products Used
Price of System
Understanding of production expectations
Cash Flow Analysis
Project timelines
July 2021
After being presented with the proposal the owners were given some time to think and evaluate if it was a good decision for them. Once completing their due diligence and asking all the right questions they decided to move forward with the project and signed into a contract with Sunly in July 2021
October 2021
All of the planning and procurement had been completed and was ready to get installed. This included a site inspection, engineering, permitting and product procurement.
November 2021
Sunly’s installation team showed up to install the panels and do all of the electrical work. This was a 2 day process from start to finish.
December 2021
The system was connected by Maritime Electric and activated to start producing electricity.
The Finished Product
Over 2 days our installation teams worked very hard to complete the job with minimal disruption to the services offered at the doctors office!
Reviewing 1 year later
Boswall’s doctors office has now had a full year of production to evaluate against the estimates
Getting the production estimates right
Our estimates were very accurate!
Through the first year of production the system performed exactly as expected. This saved Boswall the $6,400 estimated and is expected to have a simple payback period of 7.1 years. Lifetime they can expect to save $219,000 on their bottom line.
Quality Workmanship
In September of 2022 Hurricane Fiona landed and hit the residents of PEI over 2 days. It had sustained winds of over 160km/hr causing damage all over the island. This caused power outages across the island, tore full roofs off houses and downed trees everywhere. The panels on the office held up to the devastation and required no repairs.
Since net metering solar is grid tied this still meant Boswall’s had to go without power for 11 days from September 24 to October 5 as Maritime electric worked to restore power all over the island. In the future they may consider installing a battery back-up system in order to mitigate against the threat of future storms power outages.
Is your business right for solar?
Take some time today to get a complimentary custom quote and invest in improving your bottom line!
If you would like to learn more of the details please check out : Commercial Case Study 1: Boswall Doctors Office
This solar power system case study showcases how installing a solar panel system lowered Boswall's Doctor's Office monthly electricity cost from Maritime Electric and insulated the office from continuously increasing electricity prices. Contact us today to learn how Sunly can help you save on energy costs!"