What to expect during your Solar Site Inspection

Congratulations!  You signed up to get a solar installation and are well on your way to saving money on your electric bill.

Before those solar panels get installed on your house it is important that our team goes through a site inspection for you.  The purpose of the site inspection is to finalize all the details so we can have a successful project and you can rest assured the due diligence was done for your solar panels to work well for the next 20+ years!

During a site inspection we take detailed measurements and visual assessments of 4 key areas of your house

  • Roof

  • Electrical Meter

  • Electrical Panels

  • Attic


Remember seeing your first proposal done?  That proposal was done off of an aerial image from google maps.  During our inspection of your roof we will get a much closer look using a drone to take multiple images.  We will also assess the quality of your roof to identify any aging that might be an issue.

Through this step we will be able to accurately measure your roof and identify any obstructions that will need to be considered in your final design.

Electrical Meter

Typically the electrical meter is at the side of your home.  So our technician will identify the location of the meter, take pictures and measurements of the meter and any surrounding elements.  In planning this becomes very important knowledge because the panel's electrical connection runs from the top of your home down to this area.

Electrical Panels

During this step we will have to come into your home to check out the electrical panel and any sub-panels.  They will record the type, model number and service size.  They will also check to see if there is space for an additional breaker for the solar project.  This will help us identify if there will be any issues with the panel prior to installation that need to be adjusted for.


Last but not least our technician will have to get into your attic.  Hopefully it is not a hot day when they come because the attic sucks to be in when it’s hot!

When they go into your attic the site technician will measure the main structural elements and spacing between the elements and again any degradation from aging just like your roof itself.  This is very important when considering the new load we are putting on your roof.  We want to make sure your roof and the foundation below it can support the additional weight.

So what now?

Well, after our technician visits you they will have taken a ton of pictures and recorded measurements on everything.  At this point they will submit all that information along with the initial design to a structural engineer.  The structural engineer will determine if your home can handle the weight of the solar panels and then they will create a final report.

You will receive the final report to review and approve before we move forward with the solar panel installation.

After you have signed off you are now ready to get your solar panels installed!!!