How to Find Answers

Change is a difficult thing. It can be so hard to branch out and try something you’ve never experienced, especially if you don’t feel confident. What makes us feel confident that the change we’re making is the right one? Well, if it’s a good change, being educated about it is usually the best way to gain confidence. At Sunly, education is our top priority. We want you to understand the change of going solar, so you can feel confident making the change to clean, green, solar energy. We could dive into all the specifics of solar energy, but it really is a vast topic, and I doubt you’re here to read a 1000 page essay about solar panels. Let’s try to scratch the surface, and talk about what resources are out there. 

Believe it or not, solar panels (sometimes called photovoltaic or PV panels) aren’t a new concept. It’s actually been around since 1839, when a then 19 year old A.E. Becquerel put silver chloride into an acidic solution, connected it to electrodes, and shined a light on it. Sure enough, that set up produced an electrical current. Feel confident buying solar panels yet? Just kidding, you probably want a lot more details than that before making a choice to invest into solar energy. Like I said, we won’t dive too much into details here, but let’s talk about some resources where you can access extensive information about solar technology. 

Our website, is a great place to start. Our Info Hub can be accessed through the top quick link, and dives into everything from the science of solar energy, to the details of installing panels, all the way to understanding your electric bill post solar panel install. It’s a great resource for specific and accurate information.  If you feel you’ve seen everything there is to see on our website, there are so many other resources out there! To give you a starting point;

Homeowner’s Guide to Going Solar:

And as always, our trustee friend Google is a great place to go when in doubt. Just typing in “solar panels” should offer you some good choices. Any links that end in .edu .gov or .org are a good sign, as these are typically reputable sources. 

If you’re not as savvy with the internet, libraries are still very much a place for answers. With solar power becoming common-place in the modern world, there are ample books that dive deep into the details. Searching your local library’s catalog is almost guaranteed to yield results. Whatever your preference is to find out information, there’s no shortage of it when it comes to solar energy.

Solar power has been studied for the past 183 years, with major advancements taking place over the last couple of decades. The information is out there, and when you know where to look, it’s pretty easy to find. Take that dive into the unknown, and find out for yourself why solar energy is the best choice for our planet (and your wallet).

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